Remote Payments news and trends

Remote Payments: The Next Normal
Payment Methods // April 22, 2020

It’s an interesting time to be in the payments business. The analytics of the past few months, when visualized, might resemble a murmuration of starlings – masses of tiny data points whirling like birds in flight, buffeted by winds and weather, with no clearly visible...

NEW DATA: Five Ways Social Distancing Is Transforming Retail
eCommerce // April 17, 2020

COVID-19 has driven consumers indoors — and online. Consumers are 30.6 percent more likely to make their purchases online in 2020 than they were in 2019, underscoring the increased reliance on digital commerce now that retail stores are closed until the pandemic recedes. Yet consumers’...

Consumers Who Use Mobile In-Store Are More Frequent Brick-And-Mortar Shoppers
Mobile Payments // May 22, 2019

Mobile commerce has become part of the daily routine for many consumers — who are not just using devices to shop on the go, but also in-store and for a variety of product categories. In the 2019 edition of the Remote Payments Study, PYMNTS collected...

Remote Payments, Front And Center, Near And Now
Today In Data // May 21, 2019

The inexorable rise of eCommerce has been a trend years in the making – and the smartphone is at the center of eCommerce. The handheld devices help us browse listings, compare prices, pinpoint what we want and, with the click of a digital button, seal...

Interviews & Exclusives
NEW DATA: Five Ways Social Distancing Is Transforming Retail

April 17, 2020
COVID-19 has driven consumers indoors — and online. Consumers are 30.6 percent more likely to make their purchases online in 2020 than they were in 2019, underscoring the increased reliance on digital commerce now that retail stores are closed until the pandemic recedes. Yet consumers’ increasing dependence on connected devices to shop extends beyond remote […]

Quick Reads
Number Of Remote Card Payments Rose 16.6 Percent Last Year

December 22, 2017
Credit card payments jumped sharply from 2015 to 2016, surpassing all other types of card payments, the Federal Reserve said in a new report on Thursday (Dec. 21). According to the Fed’s payment data, there was also a notable increase in the number of card payments made remotely from 2015 to 2016. The number of […]