Responsibility news and trends

Finance Automation Platform Ramp Acquires AI Startup
artificial intelligence // June 26, 2023

Finance automation platform Ramp has acquired artificial intelligence (AI) startup This acquisition will bring generative AI to finance, which will help automate workflows, improve customer experiences, and save businesses time and money, the companies said in a Monday (June 26) press release. “We’re committed to investing in high-quality,...

Quick Reads
White House: Big Tech and AI Companies Pledge Safe Development

July 21, 2023
The Biden Administration has announced voluntary commitments from seven companies to help move toward safe, secure and transparent development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The commitments include a range of measures designed to better understand the risks and ethical implications of the new technologies while providing greater transparency and restricting the potential for misuse, the […]

Finance Automation Platform Ramp Acquires AI Startup

June 26, 2023
Finance automation platform Ramp has acquired artificial intelligence (AI) startup This acquisition will bring generative AI to finance, which will help automate workflows, improve customer experiences, and save businesses time and money,...