Restaurant Dining news and trends

Even Financially Struggling Consumers Continue to Dine Out 
Consumer Insights // August 31, 2023

Rising menu prices and overall economic pressures may continue to weigh heavy on consumers, but even those who have difficulty getting by are still willing to spring for restaurant meals. By the Numbers For the latest installment of PYMNTS’ series “New Reality Check: The Paycheck-to-Paycheck...

Millennials Three Times Likelier Than Older Diners to Order Delivery
Delivery // March 14, 2023

Restaurants looking to drive sales with older diners may want to focus on traditional channels. The Context Embracing digital technologies may be a useful way for restaurants to reach younger customers, but for older diners, these same innovations can be alienating. Take, for instance, the...

Half of All Restaurant Customers Opt for More Carryout Than Dining In
Consumer Insights // March 13, 2023

As consumers rethink restaurant spending amid inflation, diners across income brackets are shifting to pickup. For the latest edition of PYMNTS’ Connected Dining study, “Connected Dining: Rising Costs Push Consumers Toward Pickup,” we surveyed a census-balanced panel of more than 2,100 U.S. consumers in January...

Interviews & Exclusives
Half of All Restaurant Customers Opt for More Carryout Than Dining In

March 13, 2023
As consumers rethink restaurant spending amid inflation, diners across income brackets are shifting to pickup. For the latest edition of PYMNTS’ Connected Dining study, “Connected Dining: Rising Costs Push Consumers Toward Pickup,” we surveyed a census-balanced panel of more than 2,100 U.S. consumers in January about their restaurant dining habits and how these have been […]