Restaurant Rewards news and trends

Grubhub Says Retaining Restaurant Customers About Data and Rewards
Data // February 17, 2023

As Grubhub sees it, digitally-minded restaurants need to focus on engagement if they’re going to succeed. In an interview with PYMNTS, Kate Green, vice president, restaurant services and innovation at the aggregator, spoke to the necessity of focusing on returning customers instead of just new customer...

Taco Bell Brings Back Subscription Pass to Boost Loyalty Signups
Restaurant innovation // September 29, 2022

As restaurant brands look to drive loyalty in the face of stiff competition, some are turning to subscription offerings to incentivize purchasing as frequently as every day. Mexican-inspired quick-service restaurant (QSR) giant Taco Bell, for one, which has more than 7,000 U.S. restaurants and almost...

Airlines Raise The Price Of Loyalty
Loyalty & Rewards // November 06, 2018

In the digital world, loyalty can work as a differentiator, a way to keep consumers amid fierce competition from many merchants. But loyalty also comes at a price, and as airlines enjoy strong demand, one major carrier is upping the cost for its top customers...