Rfid news and trends

Amazon Brings ‘Just Walk Out’ Tech to Apparel Retailers
Amazon // September 19, 2023

Amazon has gone from “Just Walk Out” to “Just Wear Out.” The retail giant on Tuesday (Sept. 19) announced an expansion of its Just Walk Out technology — its checkout-free shopping tool — upgrading an offering first designed for items like food and beverages and...

Why Contactless Payments Are This Summer’s Big Music Headliner
Digital Payments // July 04, 2019

Cruise ships and musical festivals are not that different from each other, not these days. Both feature large crowds of generally like-minded people. Not only that, but aging and even younger rockers and other musicians are often featured on special cruises for serious fans —...

RFID Steps Up As A Retail Innovation Tool
Retail // June 14, 2019

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology is carrying more weight in retail these days, helping merchants to innovate and win over consumers, and even serving to tie together web, mobile and in-store experiences as part of the focus on omnichannel commerce. One of the latest examples comes...

How Contactless Payments Could Beat Summer Event Heat
Digital Payments // May 27, 2019

Much like the holidays, the approach of summer sparks all kinds of trips down memory lane, such as thoughts of all those outdoor music festivals people attended back in the day. They tend to recall the amazing performances, the crazy outfits and the sense of...

Interviews & Exclusives
How GreyOrange CEO Will Use $135M, AI and Robots to Modernize Warehousing and Fulfillment

January 22, 2024
Omnichannel commerce has transformed how we pay for things and the length of time in which we expect to get what we pay for. Delivery windows are shrinking. Where once we waited days or weeks to get packages delivered to the doorstep, we’re now accustomed to turnaround times measured in next-day service or even hours. […]

Why Contactless Payments Are This Summer’s Big Music Headliner

July 04, 2019
Cruise ships and musical festivals are not that different from each other, not these days. Both feature large crowds of generally like-minded people. Not only that, but aging and even...

Retail, RFID And Real-Time Sales

April 05, 2019
Probably every shopper knows the thrill of the retail treasure hunt — that odd, unexpected, but perfect product discovered on a shelf; that highly desired item almost hidden in some...

How Contactless Payments Drive Retail’s In-Store Design

March 29, 2018
How to make contact with the idea of contactless? How to bring the mobile wallet to the U.S. in a way that makes a splash at a level seen elsewhere...

Quick Reads
Amazon Brings ‘Just Walk Out’ Tech to Apparel Retailers

September 19, 2023
Amazon has gone from “Just Walk Out” to “Just Wear Out.” The retail giant on Tuesday (Sept. 19) announced an expansion of its Just Walk Out technology — its checkout-free shopping tool — upgrading an offering first designed for items like food and beverages and applying it to apparel sellers. “At computer vision-based checkout-free stores, […]

Zara Experiments With Digitally Focused Pop-Up

January 30, 2018
As Spanish fast-fashion retailer Zara renovates its flagship store in a London mall, it has come up with an innovative solution to sell to customers: opening a digitally enhanced pop-up...

Three Square Market To Implant RFID Chips In Employees

July 25, 2017
Three Square Market (32M) announced news on Monday (July 24) that it is offering the ability for its employees to be implanted with a RFID chip to make payments and...

Coachella Goes Cashless

April 18, 2017
With more people preferring the ease that goes with cashless payments, all vendors at this year’s Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival will accept Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung...