Ripple Effect news and trends

Ripple Effects: The Wow Factor
Mobile Applications // August 30, 2016

Google Play’s four top-grossing apps have seen a 10 percent increase in revenue from their game apps in Europe since the debut of Pokémon GO. A theory is that, once consumers use one mobile app, they are encouraged to try another. So, does that mean...

Ripple Effects: iPhone Sales Decline Highlights Apple’s Impact
Apple // August 23, 2016

Is it really a surprise that Apple’s iPhone sales are dropping? After all, the market is becoming saturated, the iPhone as a product is maturing and a new model is slated for launch in September. But the ripple effects of this predictable turn of events...

Ripple Effects And Consumer Cannibalism
Mobile Commerce // August 16, 2016

There’s a conundrum that’s appearing in developing countries and emerging markets, and it’s having a ripple effect on everyone from global retailers to the man on the streets of Bangalore. It’s a situation where an advance in one part of an economy is cannibalizing progress...

Star Wars: Episode 7.5 — The Ripple Effect
Hmmm // December 18, 2015

Can one product revitalize an entire industry? The latest ‘Star Wars’ installment could stand as an example of how the massive success of one brand’s offering can benefit even its competitors; on the other hand, there’s a chance that so much consumer attention on a...

Interviews & Exclusives
For Main Street Businesses, Innovation and Optimism Mark a ‘Return to Normal’

February 04, 2022
The pandemic brings us into 2022 with a sense of optimism. While that statement may seem counterintuitive as variants dominate headlines, Prashant Gandhi, chief buisness officer at Melio, told PYMNTS in a recent interview that Main Street small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are well-prepared for whatever comes next. The conversation came after research by PYMNTS […]

Ripple Effects: The Wow Factor

August 30, 2016
Google Play’s four top-grossing apps have seen a 10 percent increase in revenue from their game apps in Europe since the debut of Pokémon GO. A theory is that, once...