Risk Assessment news and trends

Pipe Aims $100 Million at Embedding Working Capital Solutions Into Business Software
SMBs // June 11, 2024

The most valuable solution is the one that is there when you need it. And for America’s millions of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), they mostly share one common problem: access to capital. Karen Webster sat down with Luke Voiles, CEO at Pipe, and Thomas Welch,...

Friction Fighters: How to Monetize Friction and Ignite Platforms in the Digital Economy
Opinion // February 12, 2024

Decisions, Decisions It is said that the average person makes 35,000 decisions a day. Some, like whether to have oatmeal or eggs for breakfast, don’t carry a big downside risk since both are healthy food choices. Others may. Nearly three-quarters of executives surveyed recently said...

Toward 2030: How Ecosystem Offerings Will Transform Trade Finance’s Future
B2B Payments // January 25, 2024

Across the typically staid area of trade finance, despite the importance of trade finance products and services to global trade growth and economic development, decades of paper-based processes, regulatory mismatches and monolithic financial infrastructures have historically stymied innovation. But we are almost at the second...

Risk-Based Scores and Customer Profiles Bolster Merchant Efforts Against Fraudsters
Security & Fraud // January 24, 2024

No matter the attack vector, bad actors have a singular strategy in place when it comes to eCommerce fraud, Jason Paguandas, VP and GM, Merchant Security and Fraud, Carat from Fiserv, told Karen Webster. “They want to accumulate as much data as possible, and even...

Interviews & Exclusives
How AI Helps the Enterprise Collaborate on Sensitive Data

June 20, 2024
More high-quality data is being produced today than at any other period in history. This data, in vast and incomprehensible amounts, is being produced by businesses and individuals. Unlocking it has the potential to positively transform those same businesses and individuals. There is a problem: ensuring privacy, security and intellectual property (IP) safeguards to protect […]

Pipe Aims $100 Million at Embedding Working Capital Solutions Into Business Software

June 11, 2024
The most valuable solution is the one that is there when you need it. And for America’s millions of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), they mostly share one common problem:...

Risk-Based Scores and Customer Profiles Bolster Merchant Efforts Against Fraudsters

January 24, 2024
No matter the attack vector, bad actors have a singular strategy in place when it comes to eCommerce fraud, Jason Paguandas, VP and GM, Merchant Security and Fraud, Carat from...

Altman-Backed Slope’s Bid to Create GPT Business Payments

October 10, 2023
The business-to-business (B2B) payments economy represents a $125 trillion opportunity for the right innovation to unlock. But those trillions of dollars being shuffled around between businesses don’t sit lightly — and...

Quick Reads
FDIC Sends Cease and Desist Order to Cross River Over Lending Practices

April 30, 2023
Federal regulators have cited Crypto and FinTech-focused lender Cross River Bank. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) issued a cease-and-desist order against the New Jersey-based bank due to its lending practices, the agency announced Friday (April 28). According to an order from the FDIC, issued March 8, Cross River “engaged in the unsafe or unsound banking practices” in connection […]

FSOC Approves Proposals Focused on Countering Potential Risks to Stability

April 21, 2023
The Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) of the U.S. Treasury announced two proposals to counter potential risks. One proposal would provide greater transparency about how the Council identifies, assesses and addresses potential risks...

Finverity Raises $5 Million to Expand Supply Chain Finance Technology

March 31, 2023
Finverity has raised $5 million to expand its trade and supply chain finance technology. The United Kingdom-based firm will use the new funding to increase its headcount from 40 to 60,...

Pinwheel Now Supplies Income and Employment Data Through Visa Program

March 29, 2023
Pinwheel has partnered with Visa to provide consumer-permissioned income and employment data to businesses. By joining the Visa Fintech Connect Program, Pinwheel can provide this data to merchants, financial institutions and FinTech companies more...