Robot Tax news and trends

San Francisco Official Wants Tax On Robots That Put People Out Of Work

September 05, 2017
Cobots Will Shape Automation
Bill Gates Calls For Robot Tax To Fund Social Services
Innovation // February 20, 2017

-As automated solutions continue to replace human workers, billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft Cofounder Bill Gates believes that the lost revenue that funds social service programs should be made up for via a robot tax. According to Quartz, Gates described the situation of a person earning...

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San Francisco Official Wants Tax On Robots That Put People Out Of Work

September 05, 2017
With a growing number of automated machines performing jobs and tasks that could eliminate jobs, one San Francisco official is pushing a statewide “tax” in California on robots that put people out of work. The Associated Press reported that Jane Kim, the city supervisor who introduced the robot tax, says now is the time to […]

Bill Gates Calls For Robot Tax To Fund Social Services

February 20, 2017
-As automated solutions continue to replace human workers, billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft Cofounder Bill Gates believes that the lost revenue that funds social service programs should be made up for...