Robust Intelligence news and trends

AI’s Commercialization Puts Enterprise Security Under the Microscope
Artificial Intelligence // January 19, 2024

Every technological advancement — including generative artificial intelligence — brings with it its own, updated variety of adversarial threats. “There are so many ways AI models can behave that they move beyond the binary of fraud and not fraud,” Kojin Oshiba, co-founder of end-to-end AI...

Interviews & Exclusives
AI’s Commercialization Puts Enterprise Security Under the Microscope

January 19, 2024
Every technological advancement — including generative artificial intelligence — brings with it its own, updated variety of adversarial threats. “There are so many ways AI models can behave that they move beyond the binary of fraud and not fraud,” Kojin Oshiba, co-founder of end-to-end AI security platform Robust Intelligence, told PYMNTS during a conversation for […]