Roi news and trends

Payments Digitalization Allows Businesses to Tap Spending Insights and Improve ROI
B2B Payments // May 02, 2023

PYMNTS asked business leaders for their take on how to plan for the rest of 2023, and what they are telling their teams to focus on. Matt Clark, president and COO of Corcentric, says to succeed in an uncertain economy, businesses need to focus on...

CFOs Rethink ROI in Measuring Financial Supply Chain Cost and Risks
CFO // April 28, 2023

“It’s a really difficult time to be a CFO and think strategically,” OpenEnvoy CEO Matt Tillman told PYMNTS’ Karen Webster. “Lately, it’s been more about, ‘What fires can I put out?’” Not all that long ago, chief financial officers may have relied on a single...

Strategic Working Capital Allocation Helps CFOs Realize Stronger ROI
B2B Payments // February 16, 2023

In today’s environment, managing working capital means putting capital to work. In challenging macro environments, process improvements are about more than just optimizing working capital and strengthening balance sheets — they’re about having the right insights and protocols in place to succeed in the face...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Evaluating the ROI of Blockchain Technology
Blockchain // August 01, 2022

As businesses and financial institutions (FIs) look for the best returns on their payments infrastructure investments, blockchain technology has become an increasingly diverse and promising area to explore. Among surveyed businesses that operate in 10 or more countries, almost 69% said they use smart contracts...

Interviews & Exclusives
Payments Digitalization Allows Businesses to Tap Spending Insights and Improve ROI

May 02, 2023
PYMNTS asked business leaders for their take on how to plan for the rest of 2023, and what they are telling their teams to focus on. Matt Clark, president and COO of Corcentric, says to succeed in an uncertain economy, businesses need to focus on streamlining business practices.    The year 2023 has so far […]

CFOs Rethink ROI in Measuring Financial Supply Chain Cost and Risks

April 28, 2023
“It’s a really difficult time to be a CFO and think strategically,” OpenEnvoy CEO Matt Tillman told PYMNTS’ Karen Webster. “Lately, it’s been more about, ‘What fires can I put...

Instant Payments Are Here — How To Measure The ROI…

October 01, 2019
There are many ways a firm can measure the value of instant payments, and determine how much of a return on investment (ROI) it can expect to reap. A firm...

Moving Beyond The Limits Of ‘Cash And Dash’ ATMs

September 10, 2019
50 years on, ATMs are on the brink of full evolution beyond just existing as cash dispensers. Norbert Knievel, head of banking thought leadership at Diebold Nixdorf, tells Karen Webster that...

Quick Reads
Andreessen Horowitz Sells Lyft Shares To Saudi Arabia’s Prince

February 12, 2016
Lyft investors Andreessen Horowitz and Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund discreetly sold off part of their stakes to Saudi Arabia’s Prince al-Waleed bin Talal and his Kingdom Holding Co. for $148 million in a deal authorized by the ride-hailing startup. The sale of shares by the two major investors comes on the heels of Lyft’s Series F funding round in which the […]