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Payroll App Provider Ranking Sees Slight Changes In Latest Measure
Mobile Applications // March 14, 2023

Who doesn’t love a payroll app? They are among our favorites as we map out their movements each month in the Provider Ranking of Payroll Apps. As is often the case, there’s either no movement or small changes, and so it is with this latest...

Paychex Flex Retains Lead in Payroll App Provider Ranking
Payroll // October 26, 2022

In this edition of PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Payroll apps, there is a substantial difference in scores between our top 5 and our lower 10. Some highlights include our movers and shakers gaining ranking slots from the previous assessment. There is a new name coming...

Payroll App Provider Ranking Sees Close Race for Top Spot 
Mobile Applications // April 05, 2022

Is it payday yet? If you’re watching for a paycheck, or sending them out, there are several apps that can help.  Each month, PYMNTS analyzes these apps, assigns scores and reports the results in the Provider Ranking of Payroll Apps.  There’s a lot of movement...

Payroll App Provider Ranking Dispenses Little Change This Month
Payroll // January 07, 2022

Predictability is a good thing in payroll, and it seems to be what people prefer in payroll apps, too. In the latest edition of PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Payroll Apps, eight contenders hold the same position they held last month.  Three contenders have moved up...