Sam Shrauger news and trends

Visa Checkout’s Open Approach To Digital Everywhere
VISA // May 16, 2017

With all the brilliant and groundbreaking work that has gone into building digital wallets and payment platforms, it can be pretty easy to lose sight of an essential truth about most consumers and most merchants. They don’t actually care if their payment methods become more...

Interviews & Exclusives
Visa And The QR Code Evolution/Revolution

August 01, 2017
The QR code hasn’t always seemed like a world-changing technology. When it first appeared in the developed world approximately two decades ago — the technology was first invented in 1994 — to most consumers and corporate onlookers, it seemed like a mildly interesting technology with perhaps a few use cases that would probably never scale. “When […]

Visa Checkout’s Open Approach To Digital Everywhere

May 16, 2017
With all the brilliant and groundbreaking work that has gone into building digital wallets and payment platforms, it can be pretty easy to lose sight of an essential truth about...