Samsung Galaxy S6 news and trends

Uber Drives Deals for Samsung Galaxy S6 Owners
Mobile Commerce // April 16, 2015

Got a shiny, new Samsung Galaxy S6? If so, you may also have a hidden gift waiting for you, courtesy of transportation app company Uber. Galaxy S6 owners — and users of a few other select Samsung products — are now eligible for a hefty discount...

US Bank Joins List Of Samsung Pay Backers
Mobile Commerce // March 03, 2015

One bank after another has been getting on board with Samsung Pay since the mobile wallet was announced; the latest to do so is U.S. Bank. In a press release on Monday (March 2), the fifth-largest commercial bank in the United States announced that it...

Mobile Payments Doesn’t Sway Device Upgrade For 97 Percent
News // March 02, 2015

Each year comes the time when mobile users scramble to upgrade their handsets with the launch of the latest Samsung or iPhone, but the advertised features don’t always influence the buyer’s decision making, so says the results of a recent survey by ecoATM, which found...

Quick Reads
Uber Drives Deals for Samsung Galaxy S6 Owners

April 16, 2015
Got a shiny, new Samsung Galaxy S6? If so, you may also have a hidden gift waiting for you, courtesy of transportation app company Uber. Galaxy S6 owners — and users of a few other select Samsung products — are now eligible for a hefty discount on their first Uber ride, the company announced this week. Uber has entered […]

US Bank Joins List Of Samsung Pay Backers

March 03, 2015
One bank after another has been getting on board with Samsung Pay since the mobile wallet was announced; the latest to do so is U.S. Bank. In a press release...