Saturday Feature/page/7 news and trends

National Ice Cream Day Gets a Sprinkle of Digital Transformation This Sundae

July 20, 2024
National Ice Cream Day
The Cyborg Shopper: Is It the Future or Just a Blip?
Technology // July 13, 2024

As a fringe group of consumers gets microchips implanted in their hands to make payments without using any external devices, time will prove whether these shoppers are early adopters or simply eccentrics. A TikTok video from last year with more than 10 million views, by...

Brands and Retailers Summer in the Hamptons With Luxury Pop-Ups
Retail // July 06, 2024

As the summer season heats up, wealthy vacationers from the Northeast are getting in their cars and heading out to the Hamptons for seasonal luxury, and high-end fashion brands and retailers are seizing on the opportunity to engage these valuable customers. For instance, online luxury...

AI Walks Into a Bar: The Quest for Artificial Humor
artificial intelligence // June 29, 2024

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) can beat chess grandmasters and drive cars, researchers may face their toughest challenge: teaching machines to tell a good joke. As AI systems grow increasingly sophisticated, tackling everything from medical diagnoses to autonomous vehicles, a new frontier has...

A Winning Look: Luxury Designers Go for Gold During the Olympics
Retail // June 22, 2024

With eyes around the world glued to the Olympics, luxury fashion designers have a long history of taking advantage of the opportunity to cement their place as definitive voices in culture. On Tuesday (June 18), Ralph Lauren debuted the uniforms it has designed for the...

Interviews & Exclusives
3 Strikes and Cashiers Are Out at the New Ball Game

March 30, 2024
Baseball is back, and this year, more stadiums are tapping frictionless checkout to cut labor costs while meeting fans’ demand to spend as little time out of their seats as possible. Colorado Rockies’ Coors Field is expanding its use of Amazon’s Just Walk Out frictionless checkout technology, according to a March 21 news release. It’s also adding self-checkout kiosks from solution provider Tapin2. […]

Can Selfridges’ Play on Nostalgia Revive the Yellow Pages?

September 09, 2023
When was the last time you saw the Yellow Pages? Probably in 2019, since that was the last time it was published. Well, that thick, yellow book, which was created...

What the Future of Money Looks Like on Washington’s Birthday

February 18, 2023
Money is evolving beyond Jeffersons, Jacksons and Benjamins, as digital solutions transform the landscape. This, as more than 4 in 10 Americans (41%) say they don’t use cash to pay...

The Big Bucks Behind Sleep (Or Lack Thereof)

September 28, 2019
The benefits of a good night’s sleep can’t be overstated – nor the negative consequences of not getting one. The average human being needs seven to nine hours per night...