Screen Scraping news and trends

US Bank On Improving B2B Payments Via Open Banking
API // July 02, 2020

B2B payments are often complicated by incompatible systems that delay transactions and add additional fees. Embracing open banking can help, but many financial institutions have core systems that weren’t designed to support APIs, says Gareth Gaston, executive vice president at U.S. Bank. In this month’s...

How APIs Safeguard Bank-FinTech Collaboration
API // May 06, 2019

Financial institutions (FIs) that don’t offer application program interfaces (APIs) are courting trouble. When FIs don’t enable secure data access via APIs, FinTech firms use riskier measures, like screen scraping, says Ismail Chaib, COO of TESOBE and the Open Bank Project. In this month’s B2B...

BEUC Backs Proposal To Ban Screen Scraping
Banking // July 12, 2017

BEUC, the European consumer interest group, is asking banking authorities to stop the practice of screen scraping, or using software to copy data off a website, reported Finextra. According to the news report regarding the intrusion of data privacy, BEUC is backing the creation of a...

Screen Scraping And The Dilemma Of Data
Data // May 09, 2017

Deck: PSD2 looms, with technological changes afoot in Europe for banks and FinTech upstarts. Competition should accelerate and deepen, but as PPRO’s business development director Ralf Ohlhausen tells PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, screen scraping, APIs and data ownership are still knots that need a bit of...

Quick Reads
BEUC Backs Proposal To Ban Screen Scraping

July 12, 2017
BEUC, the European consumer interest group, is asking banking authorities to stop the practice of screen scraping, or using software to copy data off a website, reported Finextra. According to the news report regarding the intrusion of data privacy, BEUC is backing the creation of a harmonized interface for customer data sharing, which is in support […]