Second Wave news and trends

Economist Mark Zandi: A Second Round Of Virus Would Bring A Depression

May 11, 2020
Moody's Mark Zandi coronavirus
CPI Card Group Launches Second Wave Cards For New Markets
Payment Methods // October 29, 2019

CPI Card Group announced that it has launched Second Wave cards for markets including transit, hospitality, entertainment and more. First launched in September, Second Wave payment cards feature a core made with recovered ocean-bound plastic to reduce first-use plastic while diverting plastic waste from entering...

Quick Reads
Economist Mark Zandi: A Second Round Of Virus Would Bring A Depression

May 11, 2020
A Moody’s Analytics economist warns the nation will hit bottom, even worse than we’ve seen, if the coronavirus spikes a second time. In an interview with CNBC, Mark Zandi said if businesses open too soon and the infection rate rises, it will cause more business disruptions, people will be scared, and the nation will face […]

CPI Card Group Launches Second Wave Cards For New Markets

October 29, 2019
CPI Card Group announced that it has launched Second Wave cards for markets including transit, hospitality, entertainment and more. First launched in September, Second Wave payment cards feature a core...