Security And Privacy news and trends

Chip Implants Raise Security Concerns
Fraud Prevention // October 29, 2018

There may come a day, a generation or two from now, when stories about the data breaches and other hacking threats faced by payments and commerce operators in 2018 seem quaint — or, at the least, like relatively primitive foreshadowing of a new type of...

How FinTech Startups Tackle Cyber Threats With Agile Development
Startup Check-In // October 29, 2018

Privacy is not an afterthought with the “privacy by design” mindset, and FinTech startups may take a similar approach with data security. In that sense, they may incorporate data security every time they make an enhancement or a release. “It’s really built in by design,”...

Today In Data: The Many Roads To Making Consumers Feel Secure
Today In Data // July 23, 2018

Security is a complicated and thorny topic in payments and commerce, because it means different things to different consumers. The most obvious threat is the one presented from the outside by cybercriminals, with the challenge of keeping checkout flows smooth while also making sure they are...

Timehop Discloses Data Breach That Impacts 21M Users
Security & Fraud // July 09, 2018

Timehop, the mobile app that gathers photos from social media, disclosed on Monday (July 9) that it was the subject of a data breach. In a blog post, the company said that on July 4 it experienced a network intrusion that led to a breach...

Quick Reads
Timehop Discloses Data Breach That Impacts 21M Users

July 09, 2018
Timehop, the mobile app that gathers photos from social media, disclosed on Monday (July 9) that it was the subject of a data breach. In a blog post, the company said that on July 4 it experienced a network intrusion that led to a breach of some of its customers’ data. It said the incident […]

TransUnion Beefs Up Cybersecurity Lobbying

October 09, 2017
TransUnion, the credit reporting competitor to Equifax, has brought on a team of cybersecurity-focused lobbyists in Washington, D.C, reported Recode. Citing a federal ethics disclosure filing, Recode reported that while...