Security Software news and trends

Standalone McAfee Launches With A Charge To Remain Relevant
Security & Fraud // April 05, 2017

McAfee, the maker of antivirus and firewall security that was acquired by Intel in 2011 for $7.7 billion, has been spun out and as of Tuesday (April 4) is a standalone company. According to a report, Intel owns 49 percent of the standalone McAfee with...

Quick Reads
Amazon Adds Crypto-Based Security Tools

August 31, 2018
Amazon’s AWS is in the process of developing new cryptographic and AI-based security tools, and is now looking for more than 130 engineers with cryptography skills to help build and run the project. According to reports, a large portion of the work is taking place in a division called the Automated Reasoning Group (ARG), which […]

Standalone McAfee Launches With A Charge To Remain Relevant

April 05, 2017
McAfee, the maker of antivirus and firewall security that was acquired by Intel in 2011 for $7.7 billion, has been spun out and as of Tuesday (April 4) is a...