Servicenow news and trends

ServiceNow and Microsoft to Integrate GenAI-Powered Assistants
artificial intelligence // May 08, 2024

Enterprise AI platform ServiceNow and Microsoft have announced an expanded strategic alliance to combine their generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) capabilities and enhance employee choice and flexibility. The integration of ServiceNow’s Now Assist and Microsoft’s Copilot will allow employees to interact with both AI assistants to meet their needs wherever they are, the companies...

Genpact and ServiceNow Expand Partnership on AI-Powered Source-to-Pay Applications
Partnerships // February 06, 2024

Genpact and ServiceNow have expanded their partnership to deliver Source-to-Pay applications across finance and supply chain operations. This collaboration combines the capabilities of professional services firm Genpact and digital workflow company ServiceNow, the companies said in a Tuesday (Feb. 6) press release. By leveraging ServiceNow’s artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and Genpact’s...

ServiceNow Adds Automation Solutions to Digital Workflow Platform
Safety and Security // September 20, 2023

Digital workflow company ServiceNow unveiled its latest automation solutions. The solutions, part of the Now Platform Vancouver release, aim to address the needs of businesses across industries by enhancing security and governance, simplifying critical processes, and accelerating talent transformation through the use of generative artificial...

Contact Centers Being Redefined by Generative AI
artificial intelligence // June 13, 2023

While voice recognition systems in customer service aren’t new, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the nature and quality of how consumers interact with brands, bringing customer service to its next horizon with the ability to detect emotion, offer advice, complete entire transactions, and otherwise...

Quick Reads
Velera Launches Project Management Platform for Credit Unions

June 27, 2024
Credit union service organization Velera is rolling out a new onboarding and project management platform. Formerly known as PSCU/Co-op Solutions, Velera said in a Thursday (June 27) news release that the new platform offers credit unions more transparency and better collaboration and lays a foundation for future generative artificial intelligence integration. The new Project Management […]

ServiceNow and Microsoft to Integrate GenAI-Powered Assistants

May 08, 2024
Enterprise AI platform ServiceNow and Microsoft have announced an expanded strategic alliance to combine their generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) capabilities and enhance employee choice and flexibility. The integration of ServiceNow’s Now Assist and Microsoft’s Copilot will allow employees...

Genpact and ServiceNow Expand Partnership on AI-Powered Source-to-Pay Applications

February 06, 2024
Genpact and ServiceNow have expanded their partnership to deliver Source-to-Pay applications across finance and supply chain operations. This collaboration combines the capabilities of professional services firm Genpact and digital workflow company ServiceNow, the companies said...

ServiceNow Adds Automation Solutions to Digital Workflow Platform

September 20, 2023
Digital workflow company ServiceNow unveiled its latest automation solutions. The solutions, part of the Now Platform Vancouver release, aim to address the needs of businesses across industries by enhancing security...