Shawn Cunningham news and trends

Suppliers Recast the Definition of B2B Loyalty
B2B Payments // August 10, 2023

Shawn Cunningham, managing vice president and head of Capital One’s trade credit operations, told PYMNTS in a recent interview that it’s time for companies to re-think B2B loyalty. When it comes to loyalty, he said, “most people immediately think of incentive programs. So: points, cash-back...

Why Old Accounts Receivable Systems Cost Firms New Business
B2B Payments // June 30, 2023

There’s a reason that business processes get the “consumer” treatment, not the other way around. And it isn’t just because the cart can’t drive the horse. As it relates to end-user purchasing experiences, “[those of] consumers are just dramatically more streamlined than the experience business...

Interviews & Exclusives
The Easiest Way for Suppliers to Lose Business Is With Manual AR

October 26, 2023
It’s said that change is the only constant in business, but that doesn’t mean firms need to consistently adapt to every new trend. This is particularly true within the B2B space, where to achieve growth while safeguarding financial stability, organizations must navigate the complex landscape of accounts receivable (AR) deftly and with care.  “As always, […]

Suppliers Recast the Definition of B2B Loyalty

August 10, 2023
Shawn Cunningham, managing vice president and head of Capital One’s trade credit operations, told PYMNTS in a recent interview that it’s time for companies to re-think B2B loyalty. When it...

Why Old Accounts Receivable Systems Cost Firms New Business

June 30, 2023
There’s a reason that business processes get the “consumer” treatment, not the other way around. And it isn’t just because the cart can’t drive the horse. As it relates to...