Shopify Payments news and trends

Amazon’s Linkup With Shopify Uses Logistics to Stitch Together Commerce Ecosystems
Amazon // September 01, 2023

Stitch together eCommerce ecosystem by eCommerce ecosystem and you get a massive ecosystem, as measured by scale. Amazon is partnering with Shopify to allow merchants who pay for Shopify’s eCommerce tools to use Amazon’s logistics network. The tie-up underscores the ways in which logistics and fulfillment can be the needle...

Shopify’s Sale of Logistics Ops Signals Return to eCommerce as ‘Main Quest’
eCommerce // May 04, 2023

For Shopify, the shift is back to basics — a focus on eCommerce — and relying more fully on partners to get the goods to customers’ doorsteps. Shopify announced Thursday (May 4) alongside its first-quarter earnings results that it would sell its logistics and fulfillment...