Shopping Features news and trends

The Most Satisfied Shoppers Are Found in the UAE — How Other Countries Can Catch...
eCommerce // July 31, 2023

Consumers worldwide are increasingly using digital features to enhance their shopping journeys, but few markets have adopted digital as quickly as the United Arab Emirates. PYMNTS’ research finds that 94% of the UAE’s 3.1 million adult shoppers used at least one digital shopping feature during...

Amazon Cuts Back on Free Returns While Walmart Gives Away Free Memberships
Retail // April 28, 2023

For Amazon and Walmart customers, convenience is key for each step — everything from ordering to paying to receiving a delivery order or picking up goods — and few things are more convenient than free services. Amazon Prime and Walmart+ offer members free deliveries, free...

Merchants’ Best Consumer-Facing Features May Be the Ones They Already Have
Retail // January 25, 2023

Retailers’ customer loyalty offerings may be as much a matter of positioning and promotion as of investing in new digital features. The Power of Digital Features Over and over, PYMNTS’ research finds that shoppers have made their digital shopping features preferences clear. The latest PYMNTS/Cybersource...

Interviews & Exclusives
India Writes the Playbook for Mobile Payments Innovation

August 18, 2023
Payments innovation and digital-first shopping in India is a success story 15 years in the making. Its success can serve as a global playbook for creating an inclusive payments, commerce and financial services culture using mobile technology. The demonetization of cash began in 2016 and accelerated with the launch of the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), […]

The Most Satisfied Shoppers Are Found in the UAE — How Other Countries Can Catch...

July 31, 2023
Consumers worldwide are increasingly using digital features to enhance their shopping journeys, but few markets have adopted digital as quickly as the United Arab Emirates. PYMNTS’ research finds that 94%...

Amazon Cuts Back on Free Returns While Walmart Gives Away Free Memberships

April 28, 2023
For Amazon and Walmart customers, convenience is key for each step — everything from ordering to paying to receiving a delivery order or picking up goods — and few things...

Merchants’ Best Consumer-Facing Features May Be the Ones They Already Have

January 25, 2023
Retailers’ customer loyalty offerings may be as much a matter of positioning and promotion as of investing in new digital features. The Power of Digital Features Over and over, PYMNTS’...