Showrooming news and trends

Why The Future Of Brick-And-Mortar Isn’t About Sales
Retail // November 15, 2019

In 2014, it was hard to pick up any article about retail and not end up reading an obituary for the mall. It was the peak of “the mall is dead, the physical store is over” narratives in American media, and the conventional wisdom among...

How Merchants Turn Showrooming Into A Sale
Mobile // August 13, 2019

It can be challenging to recall the fear brick-and-mortar retailers had of mobile commerce seven to 10 years ago. Those merchants often viewed consumers walking aisles with mobile phones as a threat because those consumers were often checking the prices of products on Amazon, using...

PayPal’s Ready On Mobile Payment’s True Potential
Mobile Payments // September 11, 2017

“It is not about changing the swipe or dip to a tap; it’s about using a [smart]phone to do things that you could not otherwise do.” In a nutshell, that’s what PayPal Chief Operating Officer Bill Ready said is both the problem with and the path...

Gen Z Leaves Its Mark On Omnichannel
Retail // December 28, 2016

Generation Z (ages 18 to 26) is leading the charge when it comes to the adoption and frequent usage of omnichannel shopping in the U.S. The latest data from GfK’s annual FutureBuy study revealed that almost half of all respondents who fall within the Gen...

Interviews & Exclusives
Why The Future Of Brick-And-Mortar Isn’t About Sales

November 15, 2019
In 2014, it was hard to pick up any article about retail and not end up reading an obituary for the mall. It was the peak of “the mall is dead, the physical store is over” narratives in American media, and the conventional wisdom among the forward-thinking was the future was digital commerce all the […]

How Merchants Turn Showrooming Into A Sale

August 13, 2019
It can be challenging to recall the fear brick-and-mortar retailers had of mobile commerce seven to 10 years ago. Those merchants often viewed consumers walking aisles with mobile phones as...

Quick Reads
Tablet Vs. Smartphone? How Generations Shop Digitally

December 01, 2015
With online holiday spend projected to reach $70 billion in the U.S. this year and even more shoppers reaching for their mobile devices to pay at brick-and-mortar retail locations, it is safe to venture a guess that the 2015 holiday shopping season may be looked back on as something of a crossroads for retailers. As […]

Is Webrooming The New Showrooming?

October 21, 2014
In the struggle between online and in-store shopping, the advantage has shifted to bricks-and-mortar retailers, according to GfK’s 2014 FutureBuy shopping habits study — at least in the U.S. Customers...

Macy’s Latest Showrooming Weapon

September 17, 2014
Macy’s is launching its own mobile image-recognition app designed to let customers easily search for items on its ecommerce site by submitting a photo of an item from daily life,...