Side Jobs news and trends

Consumers Say Losing Supplemental Income Would Ruin Their Finances
Consumer Finance // March 27, 2023

  PYMNTS’ research finds that 62% of United States consumers lived paycheck to paycheck in February 2023. Fewer consumers live paycheck to paycheck with issues paying their bills, at 20% — down from 21% in February 2022 and 24% in February 2021. Our data shows...

Interviews & Exclusives
Consumers Say Losing Supplemental Income Would Ruin Their Finances

March 27, 2023
  PYMNTS’ research finds that 62% of United States consumers lived paycheck to paycheck in February 2023. Fewer consumers live paycheck to paycheck with issues paying their bills, at 20% — down from 21% in February 2022 and 24% in February 2021. Our data shows that supplemental income may be the key. Nearly half of […]

Quick Reads
Report: Uber Plans TaskRabbit-Style ‘Chore’ Service

September 11, 2023
Uber is reportedly looking to add odd jobs to its list of services.  The company is developing “Chore,” a service similar to TaskRabbit that would let users hire people to carry out random jobs, Bloomberg News reported Friday (Sept. 8).  The report said “Chore” was discovered in hidden code strings inside Uber’s iPhone app by developer Steve Moster and shared […]