Sierra Leone news and trends

Bitcoin Daily: HSBC Issues First Yuan-Based Letter Of Credit; Sierra Leone Gov’t To Launch Blockchain ID System

September 02, 2019
In Sierra Leone, Late Payments Lay Waste To SMBs
B2B Payments // May 13, 2019

Sierra Leone is showing the impact of late payments, where a significant number of smaller firms have been forced to shutter operations. In the U.K., the head of an insolvency and restructuring firm says late payments are a drug for larger companies.

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: HSBC Issues First Yuan-Based Letter Of Credit; Sierra Leone Gov’t To Launch Blockchain...

September 02, 2019
HSBC has issued its first yuan blockchain-based letter of credit transaction, Reuters reported. The move is significant progress in the use of the Voltron trade finance platform, which was developed by eight banks, including HSBC, BNP Paribas and Standard Chartered. While the platform has predominately been used in individual pilot cases, Ajay Sharma, HSBC’s regional […]