Small Business Confidence news and trends

SMB Self-Confidence Only Goes So Far
B2B Payments // July 27, 2016

Small businesses present some conflicting views on the U.S. economy these days. SMEs are often dubbed the “lifeblood” of the economy, so small business success should promote economic success, right? Indeed, the latest Store Front Business Index found that SMBs are growing faster than...

Small Biz Feeling Snubbed By Presidential Candidates
B2B Payments // May 05, 2016

Small business sentiment can be — and has been — impacted in election years, with the prospect and threat of a changing regulatory and economic landscape looming. One of the latest reports to explore this phenomenon was published on Wednesday (May 4) by Wells Fargo...

Small Business Confidence On The Mend
In Depth // August 11, 2015

U.S. small business confidence took a major hit recently, as the optimism levels of SME owners plummeted to a 15-month low of 94.1 in June, down from 98.3 the month prior. But the latest Small Business Optimism Index results show small business confidence made a...

Quick Reads
Under Trump, SMB Optimism Peaks

August 16, 2018
A new survey shows that small business confidence is soaring thanks to a strong economy. The CNBC|SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey polled more than 2,000 small business owners from July 27 through August 5. Its Confidence Index is calculated on a scale from 0–100 and is based on the responses to eight key questions. In this […]