Small Business Hiring news and trends

New Jobs Data Shows Continued SMB Hiring Squeeze
B2B Payments // August 05, 2019

Small businesses appear to be pulled in two different directions. On the one hand, the latest payroll data show job growth continues, with small firms reporting confidence in the overall economy and their ability to grow with it. On the other hand, however, geopolitical volatility...

Small Firms Find Tight Labor Market A Costly Challenge
B2B Payments // December 10, 2018

The big news in jobs this past week came from payroll firm ADP, which found the U.S. private sector added 179,000 jobs in November. ADP described the figure as “strong” and in line with analyst expectations, with mid-sized companies adding the majority of the positions...

Tax Reform A Bust For Small Business Hiring, ZipBooks Finds
B2B Payments // October 09, 2018

It will take some time to understand the true impact of U.S. tax reform on the small business community, but so far, small business owners say the overhauls have made little impact on their hiring practices. In a new survey published by small business accounting...

ADP: Market Strong Despite Sluggish Jobs Growth
B2B Payments // September 10, 2018

Payroll service provider ADP released its monthly hiring statistics for U.S. companies late last week, finding a drop in hiring growth for businesses of all sizes. Reports in CNBC said private firms in the country added 163,000 jobs last month — a drop from 217,000...

Interviews & Exclusives
Small Firms Find Tight Labor Market A Costly Challenge

December 10, 2018
The big news in jobs this past week came from payroll firm ADP, which found the U.S. private sector added 179,000 jobs in November. ADP described the figure as “strong” and in line with analyst expectations, with mid-sized companies adding the majority of the positions (119,000). The services industry led the way, with the professional […]

SMEs Struggle To Find The Cash To Invest

October 10, 2016
The year’s third quarter is over, so it’s prime time to check into the economy. Part of that effort, of course, includes examining the state of the foundation of the...