Smart Routing news and trends

Why The Smart Payments Money Is On Gateway Diversification
Retail // August 26, 2020

In business, the mantra goes — diversify. So it is with payments, where, for merchants, relying on one channel or gateway for transactions can prove costly, even disastrous. That’s because revenues can only be realized if transactions are successful. Relying on a single point path...

Deep Dive: Smart Routing And Transaction Success Rates
Payments Innovation // July 20, 2020

Keeping transaction success rates high is a crucial part of digital business operations, especially during the pandemic. Consumer spending has plummeted since the pandemic began, leaving merchants scrambling to improve their sales figures and ensure that the transactions they initiate are processed without issue. Consumers...

Can Mobile Solve A City’s Transit Payment Challenges?
Payments Innovation // July 16, 2020

High transaction success rates can indicate an efficient payments operation, but keeping them high is no easy feat. False positives, payment gateway malfunctions and incorrect data entry can all cause them to slip, running the risk that users may grow frustrated and take their business...

Interviews & Exclusives
Report: Tokenization And Data Vaulting Take The Sting Out Of PCI Compliance

October 02, 2020
Adhering to Payments Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) is an unavoidable requirement for any and all eTailers that accept card payments, but a surprising number of firms are not up to speed on these standards. Some businesses fail to undergo the routine audits they need to assess their systems’ security, and others do […]

Why The Smart Payments Money Is On Gateway Diversification

August 26, 2020
In business, the mantra goes — diversify. So it is with payments, where, for merchants, relying on one channel or gateway for transactions can prove costly, even disastrous. That’s because...