Smart Shelves news and trends

Is Connected Tech Making Store Shelving Too Smart?
Retail // October 28, 2019

In the annals of favored retail buzzwords over the last half-decade ago, “personalized” has risen to the top of the pack, usually paired with the other perennial favorite of the last few years: “experience.” The customer hasn’t just come to the store to buy something, the...

Will Grocery Aisles Become ‘Eye’sles?
Innovation // April 25, 2019

Soon, at your local grocery store, it won’t be just the potatoes that have eyes. Maybe. The Associated Press reports that cameras are, at least somewhat quietly, making inroads into a number of retail outlets in a bid to, well, get to know you. In essence,...

Interviews & Exclusives
The Latest Analog To Digital Battleground: Store Shelves

January 09, 2020
Sometimes, a technology takes longer than expected to find its footing in a market. The ATM card, for example, was around for quite a while — since the early 1960s — before it fell into common use among U.S. consumers. For the first few years it was out there, consumers complained that getting money from […]