Smartphone Security news and trends

Apple Says iPhones Do Not Listen In On Users
Security & Fraud // August 08, 2018

Apple told lawmakers in the U.S. this week that its iPhone isn’t listening in on users without their permission, and that it doesn’t let third-party app developers listen in on customers’ calls. According to a report in CNBC, Representatives Greg Walden, Marsha Blackburn, Gregg Harper and...

Homeland Security Researchers Find Security Holes In Mobile Devices
Security & Fraud // August 08, 2018

Department of Homeland Security researchers have reportedly found many security vulnerabilities in mobile devices sold by U.S.-based cellphone carriers, reported Fifth Domain. According to the report, which cites Vincent Sritapan, a program manager at the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate, the flaws...

Apple Set To Launch New iPhone Wireless Chip That Can Unlock Doors
Apple // June 01, 2018

Apple is changing a wireless chip in the iPhone that will allow people to use the technology to securely unlock doors. The Information cited a source that said the change to the near-field communication (NFC) chip is expected to be announced at Apple’s Worldwide Developer...

Averon CEO: Mobilizing The Wireless Identity Network
Authentication // March 26, 2018

Two years ago, journalist Walter Isaacson wrote about the “two original sins of the internet.” One was about journalism in particular, and the idea that content should be free for users and paid for by ads. An error, he noted, for which the media industry...

Interviews & Exclusives
Averon CEO: Mobilizing The Wireless Identity Network

March 26, 2018
Two years ago, journalist Walter Isaacson wrote about the “two original sins of the internet.” One was about journalism in particular, and the idea that content should be free for users and paid for by ads. An error, he noted, for which the media industry has been paying dearly over the last several years. The […]

Quick Reads
1.5B Mobile Users To Rely On Biometrics Security By 2023

September 04, 2018
Juniper Research predicted in a new report that the biggest shift coming in the mobile payment security industry is a movement toward software-based methods for verification that rely on standard smartphone components. In a press release, the market research firm forecasted that users of these methods will jump from an estimated 429 million this year to […]

Apple Says iPhones Do Not Listen In On Users

August 08, 2018
Apple told lawmakers in the U.S. this week that its iPhone isn’t listening in on users without their permission, and that it doesn’t let third-party app developers listen in on...

Homeland Security Researchers Find Security Holes In Mobile Devices

August 08, 2018
Department of Homeland Security researchers have reportedly found many security vulnerabilities in mobile devices sold by U.S.-based cellphone carriers, reported Fifth Domain. According to the report, which cites Vincent Sritapan,...

Apple Set To Launch New iPhone Wireless Chip That Can Unlock Doors

June 01, 2018
Apple is changing a wireless chip in the iPhone that will allow people to use the technology to securely unlock doors. The Information cited a source that said the change...