Sme Cybersecurity news and trends

Analysts Challenge US House Data On SME Cybersecurity
B2B Payments // May 08, 2017

A U.S. House Committee passed proposed legislation last week that would require the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to create cybersecurity guidelines developed specifically for SMEs. As the NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act of 2017 was debated by the U.S. House Committee on Science,...

Congress Mulls SME Cybersecurity Legislation
B2B Payments // April 07, 2017

A bill that would encourage SMEs to follow cybersecurity guidelines is making its way through Congress as an addition to existing legislation encouraging the same of large corporates. Reports this week said the bill, the Main Street Cybersecurity Act, is an update to the existing...

Credit Unions Want SMEs Held To Same Cybersecurity Standards
B2B Payments // March 10, 2017

While credit unions and banks are tasked with protecting payment information, small businesses should also be playing their part in that cybersecurity effort, said one credit union executive. According to reports in Credit Union Journal, James Mooney, president and chief executive of Chevron Credit Union, spoke to...

Back To Basics For SME Security
B2B Payments // November 15, 2016

Small businesses aren’t getting their cybersecurity strategies right, according to new evidence from researchers. And with consequences ranging from data theft to noncompliance penalties, the stakes are high. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is looking to help. With a guide developed for...