Socks news and trends

Bombas: Socking Up With A DTC Digital Strategy
eCommerce // February 07, 2020

Startups form to solve all sorts of problems, often from a specific problem a founder is dealing with that turns them on to a bigger hole in the marketplace. However, Bombas was somewhat different — though it began, like many startups, with looking to fill...

Subscription Services That Connect Consumers With Socks For All Occasions
Subscription Commerce // January 08, 2020

While studying at the University of California, San Diego, Daniel Farahdel studied abroad in Seoul, South Korea, and he noticed that socks were trending — and it seemed like everyone around him would show off their colorful socks. The experience inspired him to start THREADJAR...

Weird Commerce: Throx, The Battle Against The Sock Monster
weird commerce // November 21, 2016

It’s the law of the universe: Throw a pair of socks in the dryer, and only one comes out. “I know for a fact that there is some kind of sock monster, and that’s why I invented Throx,” said Edwin Heaven, who came up with...

Interviews & Exclusives
Bombas: Socking Up With A DTC Digital Strategy

February 07, 2020
Startups form to solve all sorts of problems, often from a specific problem a founder is dealing with that turns them on to a bigger hole in the marketplace. However, Bombas was somewhat different — though it began, like many startups, with looking to fill a market hole. The problem didn’t belong to Bombas Founders […]

Quick Reads
Weird Commerce: Throx, The Battle Against The Sock Monster

November 21, 2016
It’s the law of the universe: Throw a pair of socks in the dryer, and only one comes out. “I know for a fact that there is some kind of sock monster, and that’s why I invented Throx,” said Edwin Heaven, who came up with the idea in 2003 when he was doing his laundry […]