Software Development news and trends

How FinTech Startups Tackle Cyber Threats With Agile Development
Startup Check-In // October 29, 2018

Privacy is not an afterthought with the “privacy by design” mindset, and FinTech startups may take a similar approach with data security. In that sense, they may incorporate data security every time they make an enhancement or a release. “It’s really built in by design,”...

For FIs, The Waterfall Is Drying Up
Innovation // August 09, 2018

Firms evolve … or don’t, at their peril. The old ways of doing business? They get old; they get fossilized. They go away, along with, sometimes, the firms that are stuck in the past. For financial institutions (FIs), it may be time to look to...

NARS Cosmetics Puts Its Best Face Forward With AI, Data
Omnicommerce // May 30, 2018

When it comes to standing out in the $445 billion beauty industry, it all comes down to personalization, says Benjamin Lord, executive director of global eCommerce and omnichannel sales at NARS Cosmetics. In the latest Omni Developer Report, Lord gives PYMNTS an inside look at...

NEW REPORT: How AI And AR Give Makeup A Makeover
Omnicommerce // May 29, 2018

Eighty-eight percent of American adults have access to smartphones. Collectively, they now drive $130 billion in mobile commerce sales. That increase in mobile commerce spending is underpinning a shift in consumers’ shopping preferences. Buyers are increasingly moving away from shopping on their desktops and are...

Interviews & Exclusives
For FIs, The Waterfall Is Drying Up

August 09, 2018
Firms evolve … or don’t, at their peril. The old ways of doing business? They get old; they get fossilized. They go away, along with, sometimes, the firms that are stuck in the past. For financial institutions (FIs), it may be time to look to the death of the waterfall. The waterfall: You know, the […]

NEW REPORT: Getting SMBs Off The Software Sidelines

July 26, 2017
Sometimes, even the best businesses, big and small, need a little help from software. Whether its finding and keeping loyal customers or keeping the books and sending invoices, digital tools...

Helping Specialty Stores Battle Grocery Goliath

April 28, 2017
Keep up or fall down. The April Developer Tracker, powered by Vantiv, features an interview with Burt Aycock, director of Design for ECR Software, about the use of consumer-friendly...

NEW REPORT: Small Retailers Play Big With Consumer-Friendly Tech

April 27, 2017
Whether they realize it or not, consumers have increasingly cutting-edge expectations of the merchants and companies with which they do business. And for the companies trying to keep up, the...