Spend Analytics news and trends

Transforming Back-Office Functions Lets Firms Move Forward With Certainty
B2B Payments // May 10, 2024

Innovation across the payments sector has taken off over the last decade. Driven by automation, speed, security and convenience, electronic payments advances are reshaping back-office workflows and transforming processes historically viewed as static administrative functions. And with the news this week that digital banking startup...

Procurement AI Tackles The Drawbacks Of Sluggish ePayments Adoption
B2B Payments // January 09, 2020

Enterprise digitization continues to ramp up the availability of data, and open up new opportunities for in-depth analysis of that information. However, it’s no longer enough for solution providers to simply analyze corporate data. Businesses demand actionable insights, and analytics technology must be tailored to...

Amazon Business Expands To Canada
B2B Payments // October 29, 2019

Amazon is expanding Amazon Business and Business Prime for its Canadian business customers, the eCommerce conglomerate announced on Tuesday (Oct. 29). Targeting small and medium-sized businesses, Amazon Business enables companies to procure goods online, while giving B2B sellers a new platform upon which they can...

Investors Back Different Points Of The Procure-To-Pay Ecosystem
B2B Payments // October 18, 2019

It was a week of (mostly) Series A funding rounds for B2B FinTech firms, as startups secured new funding to tackle various parts of the broader business-to-business (B2B) payment process. Some funds backed the corporate commerce and procurement arena, while others went to the friction...

Quick Reads
Airbase Adds Analytics, Vendor Management to Spend Orchestration Platform

June 11, 2024
Airbase has added spend analytics and vendor management capabilities to its spend orchestration software designed for mid-market and larger organizations. These new features aim to help companies optimize spending by providing decision-makers with real-time insights into all spending, including accounts payable (AP), employee expenses and corporate cards, Airbase said in a Tuesday (June 11) press […]