Spiceology news and trends

The Year Of D2C Brands And Digital Technologies

December 29, 2020
Retail 2020: Looking Back On D2C Brands
Retail // December 28, 2020

Direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands came in two flavors during 2020. The first were the Pepsis, Heinzes and Krafts that either didn’t like their retail distribution or saw a pandemic-driven opportunity to get new products in new configurations to the consumer. The second flavor were the brands...

Spiceology Shakes Up The D2C Status Quo
Retail // September 30, 2020

It’s said that variety is the spice of life. At Spiceology, they want spices to have variety. The seven-year-old D2C hybrid brand has just received $4.7 million in funding and is on a mission to get chefs and consumers to experiment with flavor, as home...