Spies news and trends

NSA Has Reportedly Infiltrated Middle East Financial Network
Security & Fraud // April 17, 2017

American spies have reportedly infiltrated the Middle East’s financial network and comprised the Dubai office of EastNets, a anti-money laundering and financial services company, reported the AP, citing documents stolen from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). EastNets said late last week that the documents were...

DOJ Charges Two Russian Spies As Part Of The Massive Yahoo Hacks
Security & Fraud // March 16, 2017

The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday (March 15) that it had lodged charges against two spies in Russia and two hackers as part of the massive data breach at Yahoo that impacted more than 500 million user accounts. According to a report, during a press conference to announce the...

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DOJ Indicts Four Chinese Army Spies For Equifax Hack

February 10, 2020
Federal prosecutors charged four Chinese intelligence officers on Monday (Feb. 10) with the 2017 cyberattack on credit reporting giant Equifax, which was one of the largest data breaches in history, according to The Wall Street Journal. The Equifax cyberattack exposed the financial data of almost 150 million Americans and British and Canadian nationals. State and […]

NSA Has Reportedly Infiltrated Middle East Financial Network

April 17, 2017
American spies have reportedly infiltrated the Middle East’s financial network and comprised the Dubai office of EastNets, a anti-money laundering and financial services company, reported the AP, citing documents stolen...

DOJ Charges Two Russian Spies As Part Of The Massive Yahoo Hacks

March 16, 2017
The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday (March 15) that it had lodged charges against two spies in Russia and two hackers as part of the massive data breach at Yahoo that...