Splitty Travel news and trends

Does Hipmunk’s Demise Signal Larger Changes In Travel?
Travel Payments // January 16, 2020

As the travel industry shifts into higher digital gear, and increasingly responds to the needs and desires of new consumer groups — millennials and Gen Z among them — some players are getting left behind and making their way into the history books. That’s the general...

Catering To Millennial And Gen Z Travelers With Digital Innovation
Retail // January 15, 2020

Consumers have always wanted to explore and see the world, but they have had a constant need for comfortable transportation as well as accommodations. However, the methods that explorers use to discover, reserve and pay for their lodging and transportation has evolved over time. Travel...

Younger Travelers Take More Luxury Trips, But Have A Harder Time Paying
Travel Payments // October 02, 2019

The travel market is changing and companies are evolving to meet consumer expectations. Once upon a time, Airbnb meant renting a cheap room in a stranger’s apartment. With the introduction of its Luxe product earlier this year, Airbnb is now offering stays in Tuscan farmhouses...

Hotels, And India’s Middle Class, Show Path For Online Travel
Markets // June 25, 2019

It’s a fool’s errand to predict what will interest historians decades or centuries from now, but the scribes here at PYMNTS don’t pull back from such challenges. When it comes to retail, general commerce and online payments, the increasingly powerful middle class in India will...

Interviews & Exclusives
Does Hipmunk’s Demise Signal Larger Changes In Travel?

January 16, 2020
As the travel industry shifts into higher digital gear, and increasingly responds to the needs and desires of new consumer groups — millennials and Gen Z among them — some players are getting left behind and making their way into the history books. That’s the general case with travel search startup Hipmunk. News emerged this week that […]