Staffing news and trends

Bite Ninja Bets on Restaurant Remote Workforce Despite Diner Frustrations
Restaurant innovation // June 29, 2023

As labor-crunched restaurants seek to get more productivity out of their workforce, one tech startup is offering a remote work solution, even as diners demand just the opposite — more face-to-face service. In an interview with PYMNTS, Will Clem, co-founder of Bite Ninja, which offers...

PayU Appoints Keren Ben Zvi as Head of Data 
Personnel // December 08, 2022

PayU has appointed Keren Ben Zvi as head of data of its global payment organization (GPO).  The online payment service provider said in a Wednesday (Dec. 7) press release that Ben Zvi would take the lead on further enhancing merchant insights and leveraging merchants’ payment data to...

Retailers’ Seasonal Hiring Hopes Find Relief From Rise in Second Job Seekers
Economy // November 07, 2022

With inflation rising, more Americans — including a number of white-collar workers — are seeking second jobs. The Wall Street Journal noted this phenomenon in a report Monday (Nov. 7), pointing to figures from the Labor Department — ahead of Friday’s jobs report — showing...

1 in 5 Restaurants Have Turned Customers Away Amid Staffing Challenges
Restaurant innovation // October 21, 2022

Restaurants’ labor challenges are so acute that many are turning away would-be diners, losing sales opportunities and potentially negatively impacting customer loyalty. By the Numbers According to data from the 2022 edition of PYMNTS’ Restaurant Readiness Index, which drew from a survey of more than 500...

Interviews & Exclusives
Bite Ninja Bets on Restaurant Remote Workforce Despite Diner Frustrations

June 29, 2023
As labor-crunched restaurants seek to get more productivity out of their workforce, one tech startup is offering a remote work solution, even as diners demand just the opposite — more face-to-face service. In an interview with PYMNTS, Will Clem, co-founder of Bite Ninja, which offers a just-launched remote staffing solution, NinjaQ, for restaurants, explained that […]

The Role Of Digital Identity In Growing The Healthcare Services Gig Economy

June 17, 2019
The United States is currently weathering a healthcare worker shortage that is estimated to get quite a bit worse before it gets better.  According to healthcare staffing consultancy Mercer, to...

Can Platforms And Payments Solve Restaurants’ 73 Percent Turnover Problem?

April 08, 2019
Good waiters are hard to find. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, they are even harder to keep, as the restaurant worker turnover rate is 73 percent every single year. This was...

Quick Reads
PayU Appoints Keren Ben Zvi as Head of Data 

December 08, 2022
PayU has appointed Keren Ben Zvi as head of data of its global payment organization (GPO).  The online payment service provider said in a Wednesday (Dec. 7) press release that Ben Zvi would take the lead on further enhancing merchant insights and leveraging merchants’ payment data to support their business growth.  “Welcoming Keren to lead our data […]

Retailers’ Seasonal Hiring Hopes Find Relief From Rise in Second Job Seekers

November 07, 2022
With inflation rising, more Americans — including a number of white-collar workers — are seeking second jobs. The Wall Street Journal noted this phenomenon in a report Monday (Nov. 7),...

BNY Mellon Names Thomas Gibbons CEO

March 30, 2020
Thomas Gibbons, the interim CEO at Bank of New York Mellon (BNY), has been named permanently to the position, according to a report by Reuters. Gibbons was put in charge...

Google Hires First Chief Health Officer

October 18, 2019
As the tech giant aggressively pursues the health market, Google has hired former Obama administration health official Karen DeSalvo as its first chief health officer. DeSalvo spent the past two years teaching...