Stargate news and trends

Microsoft’s ‘iPhone Moment’ Could Come From AI
artificial intelligence // April 07, 2024

Will artificial intelligence (AI) give Microsoft its “iPhone moment?” A recent note by Wedbush Securities’ Dan Ives — the subject of a Seeking Alpha report on Sunday (April 7) — argues that the Redmond, Washington, company is among several tech giants expected to benefit from recent AI investments the next...

How The Stargate Project Could Change AI
Artificial Intelligence // April 02, 2024

OpenAI and Microsoft’s reported $100 billion data center project could create advanced, human-like language models that understand context, emotions and nuance, potentially revolutionizing artificial intelligence (AI) and commerce, experts said. The project underscores the growing importance of AI in driving innovation and shaping the future of commerce. Experts said...

OpenAI and Microsoft Plan $100 Billion AI ‘Stargate’
artificial intelligence // March 31, 2024

OpenAI and Microsoft are reportedly working on a $100 billion data center project. The center, the subject of a Friday (March 29) report by The Information, would involve an artificial intelligence (AI) supercomputer dubbed “Stargate” that is scheduled to launch in 2028. According to the report — which cities sources...

Quick Reads
DeepMind Head: Google AI Spending Could Exceed $100 Billion

April 16, 2024
Google’s top AI executive says the company’s spending on the technology will surpass $100 billion. While speaking Monday (April 15) at a TED Conference in Vancouver, DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis was asked about recent reports of Microsoft and OpenAI’s planned artificial intelligence (AI) supercomputer known as “Stargate,” said to cost $100 billion. “We don’t talk about […]

Microsoft’s ‘iPhone Moment’ Could Come From AI

April 07, 2024
Will artificial intelligence (AI) give Microsoft its “iPhone moment?” A recent note by Wedbush Securities’ Dan Ives — the subject of a Seeking Alpha report on Sunday (April 7) — argues that the Redmond,...

OpenAI and Microsoft Plan $100 Billion AI ‘Stargate’

March 31, 2024
OpenAI and Microsoft are reportedly working on a $100 billion data center project. The center, the subject of a Friday (March 29) report by The Information, would involve an artificial intelligence (AI) supercomputer dubbed...