Startup Accelerator news and trends

Microsoft Accelerator Chooses All-B2B Cohort
B2B Payments // August 25, 2017

Microsoft Accelerator, which launched in 2012, has so far accelerated 129 startups across 10 cohorts. For its 11th group of startups, however, Microsoft Accelerator has placed the focus on B2B. Reports in YourStory on Thursday (Aug. 24) said the accelerator’s latest batch includes 14 B2B startups,...

Accelerating To The Future?
Payment Methods // November 29, 2016

Sometimes, a push in the right direction makes all the difference. For the latest Developer Tracker™, PYMNTS caught up with Joe Munk, program manager at the Portland State University Startup Accelerator in Oregon, to discuss small business accelerators, the benefit they offer and what he...

Developer Report: Speeding Toward Startup Success?
Payment Methods // November 28, 2016

Sometimes, a push in the right direction makes all the difference. For the latest Developer Tracker™, PYMNTS caught up with Joe Munk, program manager at the Portland State University Startup Accelerator in Oregon, to discuss small business accelerators, the benefit they offer and what he...

Deloitte Launches Enterprise Tech Incubator
B2B Payments // October 18, 2016

Deloitte has rolled out a new initiative to help its business clients adopt disruptive technologies. The company announced Monday (Oct. 17) the launch of Deloitte Catalyst, a group of startups that explores how technologies, like blockchain and Internet of Things, can be used for business applications....

Interviews & Exclusives
Developer Report: Speeding Toward Startup Success?

November 28, 2016
Sometimes, a push in the right direction makes all the difference. For the latest Developer Tracker™, PYMNTS caught up with Joe Munk, program manager at the Portland State University Startup Accelerator in Oregon, to discuss small business accelerators, the benefit they offer and what he see’s speeding towards the future. You can find that, along with the latest headlines from around the space and a directory of 155 developers, inside the latest Tracker.

Quick Reads
South Korea Initiates Startup Accelerator Program

May 16, 2016
The country’s government is making a significant effort to bring more diversity and enhancements to its tech industry by creating an accelerator for startups from around the globe, TechCrunch reported late last week. The government has pledged nearly $2 billion per year since 2013 to support the local startup landscape. But the K-Startup Grand Challenge […]

Wells Fargo Startup Accelerator Targets FinTech Innovation

November 06, 2015
Wells Fargo announced the names of three new FinTech startups, which it has picked for its Fall 2015 accelerator program. The three startups — Gridspace, Roostify and Splice Machine — will undergo a semi-annual FinTech boot...