Strategic Treasurer news and trends

Trade Disputes, Fraud Aren’t Treasurers Biggest Concerns
B2B Payments // March 14, 2019

Corporate treasurers are increasingly concerned about a complex regulatory environment, according to the latest analysis from Strategic Treasurer and TD Bank. The two published their newest “Treasury Perspectives” survey this week, a report that polled corporate treasurers and finance executives about their plans and economic...

Faster Payments Takes Off For Corporates, But Not Blockchain
B2B Payments // June 21, 2018

Corporate digitization efforts are well underway, and finance departments are often prime targets for this disruption. But a company’s interest and efforts to adopt new technologies does not always mean that all B2B payment processes are improved. Instead, new research suggests that the enterprise is...

Treasurers Overconfident On Cyber Defenses
B2B Payments // April 30, 2018

With a threefold increase in the number of corporates who had been hit by a ransomware attack in the last year compared to a year prior, corporate treasurers have been forced to swallow the large, uncomfortable pill of the threat of cyberattacks and fraud on...

Treasurers Aren’t Entirely Discounting Faster Payments, TD Bank Says
B2B Payments // April 05, 2018

B2B payments may not be the prime target for faster and real-time payments technologies, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for accelerated transaction capabilities in the corporate treasury department. Statistics released by NACHA revealed that, following the rollout of same-day ACH in the...

Quick Reads
Bottomline Technologies Discovers ‘Leading Strategy’ Of FinTech Partnerships In Survey

May 24, 2019
Across the business-to-business (B2B) payments landscape, results of a Bottomline Technologies survey found that partnering with FinTechs will be the strategy of choice for a majority of banks and a growing number of corporates. The company recently unveiled its 2019 B2B Payments and Working Capital Management Strategies Survey in partnership with Strategic Treasurer, according to […]