Sundar Pichai news and trends

Google Laying Off Unspecified Number of Employees Amid Shifting Priorities
Google // April 17, 2024

Google is laying off an unspecified number of employees and shifting some roles to other countries as part of a continuing effort to cut costs. The employees will be able to apply for other roles at the company and some of the impacted roles will move...

Firms Embrace AI for Faster, Smarter Cybersecurity Solutions
Cybersecurity // March 01, 2024

Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently noted that artificial intelligence (AI) could boost online security, a sentiment echoed by many industry experts. AI is transforming how security teams handle cyber threats, making their work faster and more efficient. By analyzing vast amounts of data and identifying...

Google to Relaunch AI Image Generation Tool Within Weeks
artificial intelligence // February 28, 2024

Google teams have been working “around the clock” to fix the issues that led the company to pause access to its Gemini artificial intelligence (AI) image generation tool. The company is already seeing improvement on a wide range of prompts, will review what happened in...

AI Helps Lift YouTube and Google Cloud Subscriptions 5x Higher Than 2019’s Levels
Earnings // January 30, 2024

For Alphabet, the artificial intelligence (AI) boon has helped boost subscriptions. But advertising sales for the parent company of Google, having fallen just short of expectations despite surging 11%, were in focus. And as a result, investors took the shares down 3% in after-hours trading. Sundar...

Interviews & Exclusives
Firms Embrace AI for Faster, Smarter Cybersecurity Solutions

March 01, 2024
Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently noted that artificial intelligence (AI) could boost online security, a sentiment echoed by many industry experts. AI is transforming how security teams handle cyber threats, making their work faster and more efficient. By analyzing vast amounts of data and identifying complex patterns, AI automates the initial stages of incident investigation. […]

Alphabet’s Pichai Says AI to Power New Wave of Growth for Google Search

July 27, 2022
If you had to pick one personality trait that you’d most want to see in a pilot, it might likely be the ability to remain calm and collected in a...

Quick Reads
Google Laying Off Unspecified Number of Employees Amid Shifting Priorities

April 17, 2024
Google is laying off an unspecified number of employees and shifting some roles to other countries as part of a continuing effort to cut costs. The employees will be able to apply for other roles at the company and some of the impacted roles will move to hubs in India, Chicago, Atlanta and Dublin, a Google […]

Google to Relaunch AI Image Generation Tool Within Weeks

February 28, 2024
Google teams have been working “around the clock” to fix the issues that led the company to pause access to its Gemini artificial intelligence (AI) image generation tool. The company...

Google Chief Warns of More ‘Role Eliminations’ After YouTube Layoffs

January 18, 2024
Google’s CEO has reportedly warned employees to expect more job cuts this year. “We have ambitious goals and will be investing in our big priorities this year,” Sundar Pichai said in a Wednesday...

EU Antitrust Chief Meets With Big Tech CEOs Over Regulation and Competition Compliance

January 12, 2024
Margrethe Vestager, the European Union’s (EU) antitrust chief, recently met with the chief executives of tech giants Apple, Alphabet and Qualcomm.  The purpose of these meetings was to discuss regulation and compliance with competition policies,...