Synechron news and trends

Synechron Launches 14 AI Accelerators For Financial Services Mkt
Artificial Intelligence // March 24, 2017

Synechron, the global financial services consulting and technology company, announced Thursday (March 23) the launch of “Neo,” a set of artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools for the financial services industry. In a press release, Synechron said that with Neo, financial institutions will be able deploy AI solutions that...

Blockchain Tracker: Who Is Best For Blockchain In The White House?
Blockchain // November 02, 2016

With just under a week before the U.S. election, the world is watching. Policies ranging from fiscal to social are all on the line, with each candidate having something to say — whether you agree with it or not. But what about blockchain? Quite likely...

Quick Reads
Banks Test KYC App Based On R3’s Blockchain Platform

June 29, 2018
Through a four-day test of a know-your-customer (KYC) compliance system, a group of 39 participants were able to make 300 transactions in 19 countries with an app from Synechron built on R3’s Corda blockchain platform. The experiment’s participants included banks such as BNP Paribas and Deutsche Bank — as well as regulators, Coindesk reported. “As […]

Synechron Launches 14 AI Accelerators For Financial Services Mkt

March 24, 2017
Synechron, the global financial services consulting and technology company, announced Thursday (March 23) the launch of “Neo,” a set of artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools for the financial services industry. In...