Tantalum news and trends

Tantalum CEO On Cars As Commerce Ecosystems
Intelligence of Things // August 30, 2017

Written language had been around for a long time by the year 1440 — 4,400 years, give or take a century or two. But in 1440, written language got a massive technological upgrade when Johannes Gutenberg invented the world’s first movable type printing press. The world...

Interviews & Exclusives
Tantalum CEO Talks What’s Working (And What’s Not) In The Connected Automotive Ecosystem

November 13, 2018
One might have to squint, but they can certainly see it coming — for real (not just hype) in some press release, interview, film or TV show. The push to bring connected vehicles to more consumers — vehicles that can enable their own fuel payments, parking arrangements, restaurant reservations and other such tasks — is significant. It’s […]

Tantalum CEO On Cars As Commerce Ecosystems

August 30, 2017
Written language had been around for a long time by the year 1440 — 4,400 years, give or take a century or two. But in 1440, written language got a massive...