Tech Industry news and trends

Google, Meta, Apple Receive FCC Approval to Tap Into Airwaves for VR and AR
Big Tech // October 19, 2023

Google, Meta and Apple have received approval from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to use airwaves for their virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tools. This decision marks a milestone for the development and expansion of immersive technologies, Bloomberg reported Thursday (Oct. 19). The permission granted by the FCC allows...

JPMorgan Pursues Silicon Valley Startups and VC Backers
Startups // October 11, 2023

JPMorgan Chase & Co., the largest bank in the United States, is reportedly aggressively positioning itself as the leading financial partner for tech companies in Silicon Valley. After the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), JPMorgan sees an opportunity to fill the void and attract the...

Report: Reid Hoffman Reduces Role at Greylock Partners to Focus on AI
artificial intelligence // August 30, 2023

Venture firm Greylock Partners is reportedly experiencing a transition as Reid Hoffman, a prominent figure in the tech industry, scales back his involvement in new deals. Hoffman, a co-founder of LinkedIn and a member of the “PayPal Mafia,” has decided to focus on artificial intelligence (AI), leading to...

Apple Hires Facebook Critic For Privacy Team
Personnel // January 09, 2019

Apple has reportedly hired Sandy Parakilas, an ex-Facebook employee who became a prominent critic of the company, as part of its privacy team. According to Financial Times, Parakilas monitored privacy and policy compliance of software developers for Facebook for 18 months before he left in October...

Interviews & Exclusives
Brexit Talent Drain A Leak Likely To Deluge?

July 04, 2017
Brexit is still being worked on, worked out and one wonders what workers will do. For the highly skilled employees of both the U.K. and the continent, including those in the tech realm, the drip of Brexodus may quicken into a rolling river.

Mitek’s CEO On Keeping The Right “Innovation Head Space”

June 27, 2017
Innovation in the tech industry moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it. In this week’s Commander in Chief...

Quick Reads
2024 Tech Industry Layoffs Approach the 100K Mark

June 25, 2024
Last year was a rough one for the tech industry, which lost 260,000-plus jobs. Halfway into 2024, the sector has already cut 99,672 positions, Seeking Alpha reported Monday (June 24), citing data from the industry tracker The tech field eliminated 165,269 positions in 2022, the report said. The report also compiles some of the more notable […]

Google, Meta, Apple Receive FCC Approval to Tap Into Airwaves for VR and AR

October 19, 2023
Google, Meta and Apple have received approval from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to use airwaves for their virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tools. This decision marks a milestone for the development and...

JPMorgan Pursues Silicon Valley Startups and VC Backers

October 11, 2023
JPMorgan Chase & Co., the largest bank in the United States, is reportedly aggressively positioning itself as the leading financial partner for tech companies in Silicon Valley. After the collapse of...

Report: Reid Hoffman Reduces Role at Greylock Partners to Focus on AI

August 30, 2023
Venture firm Greylock Partners is reportedly experiencing a transition as Reid Hoffman, a prominent figure in the tech industry, scales back his involvement in new deals. Hoffman, a co-founder of LinkedIn and a...