Tech Mahindra news and trends

Big Tech Compliance Tracker: UK Launches Digital Markets Unit; Apple To Pay $3.4 Million Over Purported iPhone Slowdowns

April 12, 2021
Big Tech Compliance Tracker: UK Launches Digital Markets Unit; Apple To Pay $3.4 Million Over Purported iPhone Slowdowns
Bitcoin Daily: China’s Cosco Shipping Will Test Blockchain Tool; Tech Mahindra Rolls Out Blockchain System;...
Bitcoin // July 09, 2020

China’s Cosco Shipping will test out Ant Blockchain from Alibaba’s Ant Financial in an effort to simplify its business, Coindesk reported Wednesday (July 8). The firms noted that blockchain could be used to send out documentation that can be authenticated and can’t be modified like...

MoboMoney Enables Sound-Based Contactless Payments In India
Payment Methods // February 09, 2016

Consumers in India can now make payments with a sound. NFC World+ reports that MoboMoney, an NFC payments platform that information technology provider Tech Mahindra released in December, has integrated the sound-based technology of the startup ToneTag. Tech Mahindra, shares the outlet, describes ToneTag as “a...

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: China’s Cosco Shipping Will Test Blockchain Tool; Tech Mahindra Rolls Out Blockchain System;...

July 09, 2020
China’s Cosco Shipping will test out Ant Blockchain from Alibaba’s Ant Financial in an effort to simplify its business, Coindesk reported Wednesday (July 8). The firms noted that blockchain could be used to send out documentation that can be authenticated and can’t be modified like import licenses and container records. Cosco, which is based in […]

MoboMoney Enables Sound-Based Contactless Payments In India

February 09, 2016
Consumers in India can now make payments with a sound. NFC World+ reports that MoboMoney, an NFC payments platform that information technology provider Tech Mahindra released in December, has integrated the...