Tech Unicorns news and trends

Top News In Payments: FedEx Officially Launches Sunday Delivery; Uber CEO: Firm Leads In Race...
News // January 23, 2020

In today’s top news, FedEx officially expanded home delivery to include Sundays, Uber’s CEO believes his company is the most likely ride-hailing service to reach profitability, and the OCC prepares a civil suit against 10 former Wells Fargo executives for their roles in its retail...

Manufacturing, Big Tech And Valuations Among Davos Day One Focus
International // January 21, 2020

The first day of Davos — the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum held in Switzerland — featured panels and commentary about business and economics, as has been customary. And during the kickoff to a confab that is home to big ideas, big names...

In Unicornland, Prosper Seeks Survival, And Some Green (Investment Shoots) Emerge
Investments // June 02, 2016

Online lending is not a happy place at the moment, and at least one VC firm is gathering dry tinder in prep for creating, perhaps, a batch of future unicorns. Plus, what might lie beyond the pond?

For Square, IPO Looms Against Negative Backdrop
In Depth // November 18, 2015

Tech’s fabled unicorns have had a rough go of it recently, and Square looks poised to join their trouble lot, amid muted expectations for its IPO and still-lofty valuations.

Interviews & Exclusives
In Unicornland, Prosper Seeks Survival, And Some Green (Investment Shoots) Emerge

June 02, 2016
Online lending is not a happy place at the moment, and at least one VC firm is gathering dry tinder in prep for creating, perhaps, a batch of future unicorns. Plus, what might lie beyond the pond?