Temp Workers news and trends

Amazon Beefs Up Seasonal Warehouse Employees Ahead Of Holiday Demand
What's Hot // November 27, 2019

Amazon has announced that it’s going to hire 200,000 temp workers for the holiday season, according to Bloomberg. The workers will handle tasks like packaging, working the warehouses and making deliveries. The number of workers is double the amount Amazon hired last year, and it...

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Temporary Employment Declines as Workers Migrate to Permanent Roles

August 31, 2023
Temporary employment is reportedly experiencing a decline in the United States as workers and employers alike shift to permanent positions. Although a decline in temporary employment was once considered a bellwether of economic weakness, the current trend is not signaling a downturn as it did in the past, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Thursday […]

Amazon Beefs Up Seasonal Warehouse Employees Ahead Of Holiday Demand

November 27, 2019
Amazon has announced that it’s going to hire 200,000 temp workers for the holiday season, according to Bloomberg. The workers will handle tasks like packaging, working the warehouses and making...