The Data Story news and trends

Gen X Shoppers Cut Back on Groceries the Most Amid Inflation
Consumer Insights // May 21, 2024

As consumers rethink their spending on groceries amid inflation, PYMNTS Intelligence research reveals, Gen X shoppers are quicker to make changes to everything from what products they buy to where they are buying them.  By the Numbers The 2023 PYMNTS Intelligence study “Consumer Inflation Sentiment Report: Consumers...

Consumers Flock to BNPL to Pay for Clothing and Accessories
Buy Now Pay Later // February 13, 2024

Consumers are especially inclined to use deferred payment plans to pay for apparel and accessories, PYMNTS Intelligence research reveals, be it buy now, pay later (BNPL) or credit card installments. By the Numbers The PYMNTS Intelligence study “Tracking the Digital Payments Takeover: What BNPL Needs...

Nearly Half of 2023’s Paycheck-to-Paycheck Consumers Had Super-Prime Credit Scores
Consumer Finance // December 19, 2023

Many people are resorting to credit cards to navigate difficult financial times, especially as the rising prices of goods and services continues to weigh on U.S. consumers’ wallets this holiday season.  In “The Credit Card Use Deep Dive Edition” of the “New Reality Check: The Paycheck-to-Paycheck...

Interviews & Exclusives
Consumers Flock to BNPL to Pay for Clothing and Accessories

February 13, 2024
Consumers are especially inclined to use deferred payment plans to pay for apparel and accessories, PYMNTS Intelligence research reveals, be it buy now, pay later (BNPL) or credit card installments. By the Numbers The PYMNTS Intelligence study “Tracking the Digital Payments Takeover: What BNPL Needs to Win Wider Adoption,” created in collaboration with Amazon Web Services, […]