The Hackett Group news and trends

Hackett Research Links Procurement Digitization To Employee Retention
B2B Payments // August 22, 2018

Companies in the midst of digitizing their procurement processes have another incentive to push forward. According to a new report from The Hackett Group, procurement digitization can support employee retention. In its new report, “Raising the World-Class Bar in Procurement Through Digital Transformation,” The Hackett Group...

Procurement Digitization Doesn’t Have An Endgame
B2B Payments // August 22, 2018

Organizations know by now that enhanced and efficient procure-to-pay processes can save money and boost efficiency. But how, and by how much? A new report from The Hackett Group aims to put some definitive numbers behind the trend to uncover just how beneficial an enhanced...

Corporates Must Tread Lightly With Delayed Supplier Payment Tactic
B2B Payments // July 23, 2018

The Hackett Group released its annual Working Capital Performance of Top U.S. Companies report last week, signaling strength in U.S. corporates’ working capital performance. According to analysts, last year, the largest 1,000 non-financial enterprises in the U.S. showed their strongest performance in working capital management...

Technology Helps Lower Labor Costs, But Procurement Pros Still Vital To Success
B2B Payments // August 14, 2017

A new study has found that implementation of digital technology has enabled procurement organizations to reduce their full-time workers by an average of 29 percent, lowering labor costs by 22 percent. Research by The Hackett Group finds both buyers and sellers benefit from the technologies...

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Technology Helps Lower Labor Costs, But Procurement Pros Still Vital To Success

August 14, 2017
A new study has found that implementation of digital technology has enabled procurement organizations to reduce their full-time workers by an average of 29 percent, lowering labor costs by 22 percent. Research by The Hackett Group finds both buyers and sellers benefit from the technologies that automate processes, accelerate communication and shrink the distance between […]